Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Disabling and Enabling Windows Firewall through command Prompt

Windows Firewall is a utility in Microsoft Windows to protect its users from malicious attack through network. If windows Firewall is disabled then u are more vulnerable to attacks. So Today I will discuss how to disable/Enable Windows firewall through Command Prompt or batch File. Whenever a hacker is creating a virus or Trojan he always tries to disable victim’s Firewall to make him more vulnerable.

Disabling Windows Firewall through command Prompt:

Open Command Prompt and type :
           netsh firewall set opmode disable

For Enabling Windows Firewall through command prompt:

Open Command Prompt and type :  
           netsh firewall set opmode enable

If You want to make a batch file for Disabling/Enabling Firewall, Then Write above commands in Notepad and save them as filename.bat where filename is name of batch program you want to set.

1.) If you want to see configuration of Windows Firewall, Then:

Open Command Prompt and type : netsh firewall show config

Thats all to play with firewall.
Hope you enjoy this post..!!!!!

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